I wanted to let you know that I was surprised to receive the Versatile Blogger Award from Donna of Countryside Cottage.
Along with this award I was supposed to list 7 things that you probably don't know about me, so here goes:
1. I was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona
2. I never saw snow until I moved to the State of Michigan in 1974.
3. Carrot cake is my absolute most favorite dessert.
4. I have my own greenhouse and I love to garden during the summertime.
5. I am allergic to wasp stings. (Kind of goes hand in hand with the greenhouse as they like to build their nests inside.
6. I am afraid of heights, therefore I hate to fly.
7. I am a Leo.
Thanks, Donna for the award!
Flocks of Birds...
3 minutes ago
Congrats and TY for sharing about yourself..it's always fun to learn something new about our blog friends... Hugs, Traci
Hello Carol so great to read a little more about you
Hi Carol, We have two things in common...I'm an "AZ" and "Leo" girl too! I guess, that's why neither one of us likes winter! Blessings, Kim
Congrats on your award!
It's always nice to learn some new things about our blogging buddies!
Thanks for sharing!
Prim Blessings
Hi, Carol:
I enjoyed learning the little facts about you. Thanks for sharing. I haven't done mine yet.
Wow, born in AZ. This is so neat to see what blogger friends reveal.
I really enjoyed learning more about you! I did not know these things. Carrot cake is my favorite too. Also, me and heights don't get along either. LOL No flying for this girl.
I don't like heights or to fly either. Also love carrot cake. :)
Cher Sunray Gardens
Congratulations sweet friend.
Hi Carol, thank you so much for sharing a little more about yourself. I too, do not like heights and even though I have flown I hate it. Scares me to death! Carrot cake.....mmmm I could go for a nice big piece right about now..heheh Enjoy the rest of your wk. Hugs Mary
Hi Carol. It's fun to get to know you better. I love carrot cake too especially with cream cheese frosing. Have a great weekend. -Steph-
Yuk wasps! Hope you have an epi pen!!! Yikes!
Carmen and the Primcats
Hello Carol- Thanks for sharing a little more about yourself. Glad to get to know you better.
I too am a Leo and I am deathly afraid of heights. Never been on a plane.
That was very sweet of Carmen to send those awesome pantry cakes. I want to try making some myself, following her tutorial.Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!
Congratulations on the award! I enjoyed this going around and learning about everyone. But afraid of heights?? Really? I'm not fond of heights, necessarily - but I LOVE flying! (Could it be the crow in me???) ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
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